Cover of Elder Law Q&A.

This 22nd edition of the Elder Law Q&A: An Introduction to Aging Issues and Planning for the Future was written by Steven A. Schurkman Esq. with members of the Senior Law Day Collaborative.  Subsequent versions of the Q&A have been produced as separate printable/downloadable chapters.

Senior Law Day Collaborative Q&As are intended to guide older adults and caregivers as they address issues related to aging and planning for the future. We suggest you review this information in the full before seeking out an elder law attorney or other professional, so that you are familiar with the terms and can be ready to ask questions specific to your needs.

At our website – – you will find:
• additional Q&As for review and download
• a library of recorded webinars on topics relevant to elders and caregivers
• an opportunity to get your specific questions answered via email or during our quarterly consultation events
• notice up upcoming educational programs

All services of the Collaborative are offered at no charge. Our goal is to help you get the answers you need so you can plan and move forward with confidence.